Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I'm back...

Well, it's been a couple of months.  This has already been a busy summer, what with getting married and all that.  It takes a lot of time and effort to plan a wedding, so I've been off doing that and then recuperating afterwards.

It's also been a busy two months out in the yard...the perennials have really exploded and the vegetable garden has taken off too.  The tomato plants are large now, and have green fruit on them.  We've been eating lettuce for weeks.  Bush beans and pole beans are thriving.  We also ate a lot of radish about a month ago (see above)

So here are some pictures that I've taken over the last two months and just haven't had time to blog anything about them...

MAY 30, 2010

 Here's the big raised bed for vegetable.  I took this picture because it shows my irrigation system that I got at my gardening-themed wedding shower.  It works really well and has made watering easy and fast and wastes a lot less water than when I used to stand there with the hose.  At the front of the picture, you can see some perennial herbs that are doing well, and at the back of the picture, you will see some rogue potatoes that survived the winter...we'll see how they do...

Three little tomato plants along the side of the house.  I put them close to the asparagus this year, as I think they will get more sun there.

Radishes on the left and pea blooms on the right.

Here is clematis 'Elsa Spath' continuing to flower abundantly.  In this picture you can also see that the dwarf buddleia survived the winter but is only growing up from the ground, and the mauve balloon flower also made it through the cold.

Here is an iris finally blooming from bulbs we planted last fall.

The delphiniums are up and are huge compared to last season.
I'm not sure what this is, but it's cute.

I'm so glad that these irises bloomed this year. Last year they just had leaves.


JUNE 7th, 2010

This is a couple weekends before our wedding.  The delphiniums are beautiful, and so far haven't been knocked down by heavy rain.


Here are some dark blue irises that flowered soon after the large ones.  And in the pictures below is the vegetable garden on June 7th.  I have added some tomatoes in the large raised bed, along with cucumbers, a squash, zucchinis, yellow watermelon and bush beans (just sprouted).
I will continue later with some more pictures from July...

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