Thursday, May 20, 2010

April - May

So, I haven't written anything in quite a while, but things have definitely been happening in the garden.  All of the perennials have started to show themselves, and we don't seem to have lost many over the winter.
Here is a white "Bleeding Heart" that lives just under the Sand Cherry tree by the south side of the house.  It has grown quite large, about 3 times the size when I planted it last year.

April 23rd, 2010:  Alex's red and white tulips started to bloom.  The ones next to the house foundation are way ahead of the ones further out.  It looks a bit funny but we can't really do anything about it.  The ones near the house get warmed up first.

 These are the Leucojum "Gravetye Giant" that were also in bloom on April 23rd, when I took these photos.

This is the asparagus on April 23rd...getting taller and slightly bushier.

The next photos were taken on May 2nd, 2010.  There were quite a few tulips and daffodils in bloom.  The yellow flowers are a species tulip planted under the serviceberry tree in the back yard.  You can see in the last picture that the asparagus is getting much bushier. I think the asparagus planted in our yard will always be earlier than the stuff sold at the farmer's market because of the heat that comes off the foundation of the house.  The soil thaws much earlier.

These next pictures are from today, May 20th, 2010:

Clematis Elsa Spath has 3 large blooms showing already.

This is Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns'

Some more perennials:

Here are some black parrot tulips under the Sand cherry tree

Here's an update on the vegetables:  The peas are doing very well and will soon be outgrowing their little trellis.  I've been having trouble with lettuce, seems like getting a short cold snap every time the tiny lettuces get going.  The second picture is of 4 tiny romaine type lettuces which have proven to be the hardiest so far.  The radishes and carrots are sprouting well and the strawberry plants are already growing little green berries.  It's been quite warm this week, I'm already having to remember to water the seedlings...stay tuned.

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