Monday, April 19, 2010

Peas and Lettuce

I noticed the lettuce had sprouted about 5 days ago.  Today I finally see some signs of life from the peas.  Not all of them have sprouted above the surface yet but about half of them have some tiny pale green noses peeking up.  Next step, build a pea support device...

The asparagus is coming along well, there are a few shoots that are the right size to eat.  I have decided to not eat any this season as this is only the 2nd season for them and gardening wisdom says to wait until the 3rd season to harvest any.  It is very tempting to snap a few off, but I have held back so far...

I sowed a flower mix called "Grandmother's Cut Flower Garden" on one end of the vegetable bed closest to the house.

"A charming, old-fashioned mix of flowers your grandmother might have grown. Twenty-three varieties of annuals, biennials, and perennials will provide flowers for cutting from spring through first frost. A wonderful range of colors, shapes and textures to enliven a whole season's worth of bouquets!" Description from http://www.botan
  at Gardener's Supply in Burlington, VT.
It appears to be sprouting up well, with good coverage to most of the area.  I might have to reseed a bit at the front.

In other spots of the garden we have bulbs starting to flower and almost all the perennials showing signs of life.

The tallest asparagus is starting to get feathery. It's hard to see the shorter stems in this picture, but there are some the size of my ring finger...

1 comment:

  1. I love the Vinca, especially the way they're spreading.
