Monday, April 5, 2010


Here is a list of bulbs that we have in the garden:

Dwarf Rockgarden Iris (planted 25, mix of colors): These flowered quite early. Here is a picture of them on the 25th of March, 2010.

Chionodoxa forbesii (planted 20): A pretty blue flower. One of these is flowering now. Should see quite a few more soon. They remind me of Scilla, I think they are somehow related.

Wind and Tide White Narcissi and Dark Blue Muscari (30 bulbs, planted in the front yard before the steps): The foliage has started to emerge, no flowers yet. According to the package these should flower in mid-spring and are fragrant.

Blue Muscari (20 new bulbs, plus a few plants that were already here when we moved in): Today I see one flowering. It is planted right next to the foundation of the house, so I think it's early because it's warm there. No signs of any other so far. Supposed to flower in May.

Dutch Iris 'White Beauty' (20 bulbs): No sign of these yet. Bag says late spring.

Dutch Iris 'Oriental Beauty' (30 bulbs)

Dutch Iris 'Discovery' (30 bulbs)

Leucojum 'Gravetye Giant' (25 bulbs): I thought these were snowdrops, but after searching the web, it seems that these are called Summer Snowflakes. According to the bag they should flower early, but the info I found on the web says mid-late spring. So I guess we'll see...I've noticed two plants that I think are my Giants so far.

Scilla campanulata (75 bulbs, assorted colors blue pink white)

Scilla mischtschenkoana, Van Tubergen's (a couple plants that were already living here when we moved in): These are already flowering. Same shape as the more common scilla siberica. The flowers are white with a pale blue stripe down the center of each petal.

Scilla siberica (a few original plants in the front yard)

Hyacinth (6-8): I planted a few bulbs (mixed colors) last fall, also put a few in that came from forced pottings that were purchased in the spring.

Crocus Vernus 'Remembrance' (50 bulbs, planted fall 2008)

Crocus Vernus 'Pickwick' (50 bulbs, planted fall 2008)

Crocus 'Yellow Mammoth' (10 bulbs): These are planted under the serviceberry. They are really bright and rich colored. They are in full bloom now and are quite stunning.

Dasystemon Tarda (species tulips,6 bulbs): These are in the shady area under the serviceberry. I see their foliage poking up now. According to the package they should flower in mid-spring.

Hyacinthoides 'Bluebells' (10 bulbs): I can't remember where these were planted and I see no sign of them yet...
Allium roseum (5-10 bulbs): These are late spring/early summer bulbs, known as "Rosy Garlic".
Narcissus 'Salome' (50 bulbs, planted fall 2008): These are large cup narcissus with white petals and a trumpet that opens in yellow but changes to a peachy color. They flower mid/late spring.

Triumph Tulip 'Purple Prince' (15 bulbs, 1st planted fall 2008): I originally received these bulbs as a housewarming gift from my colleagues at work. They were so beautiful during our first spring that I bought some more bulbs to plant last fall. They produce huge purple flowers that really last a long time.

Assorted Crocus: Another gift from my housewarming. I have lost the package. These crocus are a mix of purple and pale yellow, small flowers.

Assorted tulips: We were pleasantly surprised by several tulips during our first spring season in the house. They are of varied colors. I moved most of them to the little patch under the front bay window, where they are accompanied by Vesey's "Twelve weeks of Tulips" which they sent me for free with my bulb order last fall. We also planted a "Swiss/Canadian" corner of the garden with red and white bulk bin tulips.

Assorted daffodils: There were also some daffodils who lived here already and came up the first spring. Mostly all yellow flowers.

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