Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Vegetables get under way...

I'm trying to be more organized this year with the way I organize the vegetable beds.  I've decided to try square foot gardening for a couple different reasons.  Mainly because it makes the best use of space, and it should cut down on weeding if everything goes right.  I started staking out my square feet on Monday and it seems to be going well.  We have two raised beds.  The one right next to the house is about 3 feet by 15 feet and the other is 4 feet by 16 feet.  The bed next to the house gets a bit of shade on the east side in the afternoon, while the other bed is in full sun for the whole day.   I seeded peas (4 square feet) and some lettuce (4 square feet) in the house side bed on Monday.  The days and nights have been warm so I decided to try my luck with the lettuce.  The forecast is for the nights to stay above zero also so...fingers crossed.

Sabre Peas

The best performing pea in our trials this year. Sabre was bred especially as a fresh market pea and produces long pods with 8-10 delicious peas in each. Earlier than green arrow, but the pods are just as long. Ideal for market gardeners and home gardeners. 20-24 inches in height with resistance to fusarium wilt, root rot and powdery mildew. Matures in 68 days.

Super Sugar Snap

An improved variation of the famous edible pod Sugar Snap pea. Super Sugar Snap is a sweet snap pea with crunchy texture and sweet flavour. Its 4 inch pods are plump and double pods at each node improve the yield. Height is 5 to 6 feet. Maturity 63-65 days.

Oregon Sugar Pod II

Commonly known by pea lovers as "Snow Peas". Oregon Sugar Pod II will produce an excellent crop of 4 - 4½ inch flat tender pods. Dwarf, vigourous plant growth. The sweet pods are superb for freezing, so be sure to plant an extra row. Sow seed as early as the ground can be worked and pick pods when pea development is just beginning. Maturity 60 days.

Baby Leaf Blend

Developed by Veseys trial staff, our exclusive blend includes various leaf colours, textures and tastes for a truly gourmet appeal. Sow every week or two for a continuous supply of delicious salad greens all season long! Maturity 25-30 days. Approximately 1100 seeds/pkg.

Matina Sweet Lettuce

The perfect extra early baby butterhead! Exceptional quality and very attractive. Light green plants from small heads (4 inches across) of very mild, but sweet lettuce. This variety is great for a home gardener looking for a one meal sized lettuce, or for market gardeners looking for an extra early, premium type lettuce. Matures in 60 days.

Red Salad Bowl Lettuce

An appealing, slow bolting red oakleaf type. Rich deep-red finely divided leaves. Sweet flavoured and tender, a colourful delight for salads. Maturity of 50 days.

Little Gem Pearl Lettuce

An old time novelty romaine. Perfect size for 2 people. Early, compact heads are no more than 6-8 inches high with medium green, glossy semi savoy leaves. Excellent flavour with a good crunchy texture. Maturity is approximately 70 days.

The above descriptions are taken from which is where I bought my seeds from.

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